

Flower Marmalade ‒ Kukkamarmeladi

Smart people get their inspiration to make dandelion jelly when dandelions are at their full blossom and it takes ten minutes to pick them. Well not me. After seeing this article I got a desperate urge to try it out myself. So instead of the few withering dandelions I saw I picked some mouse-ear hawkweeds (that at least look like dandelions) and red clovers. What ever edible flowers you happen to have in hand, see that instead of a terribly intense flavour (like yarrow) they taste juicy and sweet.

- 4 dl flowers
- 4 dl water
- 2 dl sugar
- 2 tablespoons grapefruit juice
- 1.25 teaspoons pectin (or equivalent amount of other gelling agent)

First, the hard part. You don't want the green stuff into your marmalade so you have to pick out the yellow or red parts. This is most easily done by pulling them out with your fingers. (You can also use scissors but that way you'll only get the tips of the petals.) Put on your favourite record and sit down. This will take a while but can be quite meditative.

You should end up with about 2 dl petals. Boil them in the water with a lid on for about half an hour. After that you can either fish them out or leave in the jelly. Add the pectin, then the juice and last, sugar. Let it come to a boil and stir until it turns syrupy. In case a foam should emerge skim it out.

Pour into a glass jar and let it cool down a bit before refrigerating. Use like honey.

P.S. I have a really hard time trying to understand how the algorithm of that "Related" box works. A nice feature but most of the time rather, well, random.

Nutritional values / 570 g:
energy 680 kcal
fat 0 g
protein 0 g
carbohydrates 169 g
fiber 0 g


  1. Ai puna-apiloita laitoit ja mitä tuo hawkweed on? Mitä muita kukkasia tollaseen uskaltaisi kokeilla? Pektiiniä ei varmaan tartte jos käyttää hillosokeria?

  2. Huopakeltanoa. (Pitäisi varmaan ruveta laittamaan kasvien nimet suomeksi kanssa.) Kyllä kokeilla uskaltaa mitä vaan, minkä varmasti tunnistaa ja josta on tarkistanut, ettei ole myrkyllinen. Voisin kuvitella, että orvokit, angervot ja ruusut ainakin sopisivat. Hillosokereissa taitaa kaikissa olla se hyydyke juurikin pektiiniä; erikseen ostaessa voi vaan säätää makeustasoa vähän maltillisemmaksi.
